Acupuncture ear seeds are a branch of auriculotherapy that has been in use for many years.  Ear acupuncture has it's origins in North Africa in the 1950's and it's more modern applications - such as the NADA 5 acu-point protocol often used for addictions. 

Ear seed

Ear-seeds work a little like reflexology in that acupuncture points are stimulated by the pressure of the seeds on specific points on the ear.  Our acupuncturist applies the ear seeds and often uses ear acupuncture as a part of her general acupuncture practice, but it may also be booked as a stand alone treatment with simply ear-seeding to help manage the following conditions - and more, just ask.

  • addiction management
  • allergies
  • aches and pains
  • digestion issues
  • fertility support
  • balancing mood
  • memory and concentration
  • menopausal symptoms: mood, ache and pains, brain fog, fatigue, flushes, low libido, sleep 
  • headaches and migraine
  • sleep issues
  • weight loss

For more information on acupuncture and ear-seeds contact Ruth on 077 88 616 488